Monday 14 April 2008

Awards Night - Oxford Brookes SU

The Students' Union just had its annual Awards Ceremony 08. This is our way of saying 'thank you' and 'well done' for all the hard work of so many talented student leaders who are part of the Oxford Broookes Students' community! Societies, Reps, Ambassadors and generally individual students have been given awards for their remarkable effort this year in relation to their Union and the welfare, representation or entertainment of their fellow students! For creating a real sense of community at Brookes, and bringing the fun, smiles and care to our students!

Our special guest for the night was Pro Chancellor Danby Bloch

VP Activities and Development - Mared Evans was a key figure on presenting the whole night, but also on the organisational side of the event, alongside SU staff members like Clara, Tamsin and Jon. They have all been fantastic at making sure that the night is enjoyable and well delivered! Thank you team!

List of all winners wil be available shortly!

1 comment:

PampĆ­tko said...

Hi :-)
You´ve got a nice blog :-)

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