Friday 16 November 2007

if you are looking for reasons to smile - then read this :)

I have 5 awesome news about your SU and Uni to announce:

  1. One of the most influential political figures in the UK - Higher Education Minister, Bill Rammell, is our special Students’ Union guest speaker!!!! So get your place booked before it’s too late! OBSU is delighted to announce that Bill Rammell is delivering our annual Students' Union lecture, as part of Oxford Brookes' public lecture series!! The topic is ... well why don't you find our HERE...

  2. School of Social Science and Law has just received a trully prestigious world-wide level award for excellence - Queen's Anniversary Prize (find out more about it here)
    (there are only handful of universities around the UK hwo have received the award - Brooks has been awarded the prize TWICE!!!)

  3. For the second time your SU is hosting the annual South-East region NUS event -Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Trangendered Activists Training Day on Wed 21st Nov!

  4. Don’t forget your first ever SU International Forum on 21st - this coming Wed 12pm- 1pm at Gipsy Lane Main Hall. It is organised by Orla and is open for ANY international student to attend! So come along, want to hear from you!

  5. The International Welcome Event hosted by your SU and organised by the International Office has gained popularity, attracted over 60 students where SU stalls, societies, welfare services like our SU Advice Centre and our volunteers project STAX exchibited information and spoke to international students. VC: Janet Beer and myself made a small speech to welcome the students. The evnt was attended by VP Activities and development – Mared, International officer Orla, Mature Students’ Officer Takao, Halls Rep Hazey and many others (sorry of I missed many of you guys, the list will be really long). But thank you for making this event lively, colourful and so welcoming for our international newcomers!

We need to be hearing more of the good news around! The above 5 is what I call a confidence booster!!! :) well done Uni, well done SU!

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